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Short- term missions are an important part of our strategy to make disciples of our own members. A mission trip begins months before departure. During that time, team members undergo practical and spiritual preparation for the work they will do on the mission field. Our mission projects are purposely designed to involve participants in heart- to - heart ministry with the people on the field. The pastor's desire is for New Berlin Church members to return with a heart to see others around the world come to Christ, better equipped to minister once we are back home and enjoy the fellowship that is developed among mission team members on each trip.
Missions is more than simply sending believers to the mission field, it also includes educating them on the importance of missions and equipping them with the tools needed to be involved in mission such as prayer, culture, language training, personal evangelism training, and discipleship. .
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations Matthew 28:19 Sharing the gospel abroad prepares us to share the Gospel at home. We see the same pattern again and again: church members going on a mission trip, learn how to share the gospel, and develop a broken heart for those without Christ, then return to Jacksonville with a zeal to see their friends and neighbors come to Christ!
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